The guy who lives in the apartment above mine has a son who visits some nights and most weekends. The kid's obviously got issues and he tries to get his dad's attention by making lots of noise because he knows his dad will react. Last Friday night he started his routine--knocking chairs over and throwing things on the floor, etc., and his dad told him to stop because it would bother me. The kid said, "You don't care about me, I don't care about her." The boy will drop something over and over and over and if his dad says something, he says in that real whiny voice, "Whaaaatt? I wasn't doing anything." He's 11 or 12, not a baby.
A couple of weeks ago, he was on a real rampage and his dad said, "Do you want to go back to the psych center?" It was a cruel thing to say, but it explains a lot like the time we didn't see anything of him for a month. I feel sorry for both of them and sorry for me when this is going on.
Other than that, it really is a great apartment--off-street parking, washer/dryer, and lots of storage.